february 18 :-§) mating growl

february 17 :-§) pimp my face: earl sinclair

february 16 :-§) miopia

BUDDIES :-§) friday special post

They’re not regular men.
First cause they’re proud owners of the mustax.
Second, well, cause they’re kind. They’re friendly. They’re belowthestaff buddies.

They are the exact opposite of the troublemaker 'stache. They are happy, in love, and never hide like the shadow ot thorough the window 'staches, or run away like bikers and piriquits. They don’t take life so seriously as intellectuals, officers or tie 'staches, even when they’re working, smoking or hungry. And many times they’re not alone, like the double trouble 'staches, and their age-range varies from being juĂ©venes, father or wish was my grandpa 'staches. Among others.

That’s why they’re our buddies.

february 15 :-§) i hear you

february 14 :-§) international correspondent: Spain!

february 13 :-§) they call me lucifer

february 12 :-§) semi-bulldog

february 10 :-§) motivation

february 11 :-§) going to school

february 09 :-§) frank "the-gourmet" sinatra

HIPPIE :-§) friday special post

Woodstock is gone.
Carnaby St. is gone.
Bell-bottoms are gone.

Guess what isn’t?

Goddam right if your answer is the mustache. And that’s only 'cause a few souls from the born-in-the-50’s generation managed to see the "real" light. My friends, let my tell ya, it takes more than a good tablet and a few joints to embrace the hairy pursuit.

So this week's special post is dedicated to these long-haired smelly men who made it through the 80's withouth a bad razor trip.

ps: since we're in the nostalgia mood, here's an advice from the good old days.

february 08 :-§) miguelito

february 07 :-§) carrot ponytail

february 06 :-§) see if you can spot the second mustache

february 05 :-§) chris cooper

It’s not the point here to talk about movies. Neither music, nor whatever you talk about when you've got nothing to talk about. This blog’s main goal is to show the world exactly the world’s been showing us: street mustaches.

But, sometimes, we do bump into celebrities. We can’t help it.

Just like Chris Cooper here, chilling, smoking a cigarette, letting time go by... and next thing he knows he's been eternalized by the Official Mustache Database.

ps: for more on your celebrity of the day, check this.

february 04 :-§) dont shave, it’s ok

february 03 :-§) starbucks camouflage

february 02 :-§) mustache to go

AFRICAN DESCENDANT :-§) friday special post

They’re around the world like a 1800 around a face.
They’re the african descendants mustached men.

Also passive of turning gray on older age, the african descendant mustache plays an important role being a pantone companion the its owner’s during his entire lifetime.

And during this friday, it plays an imporant role here, at The Official Mustache Database.

february 01 :-§) don't shave and drive

january 31 :-§) willie nelson after the spanish flu

january 30 :-§) belowthenose intern: sex appeal

january 29 :-§) wig

january 28 :-§) what a fart looks like

january 27 :-§) international correspondent: Spain!

january 26 :-§) radiant ponytail

SHADOW :-§) friday special post

Also know as the „hairy bat“, these gentleman enjoy no sun.

And although the reasons may vary (fear of descoloration, lip cancer, etc) they do represent a growing community amongst the mustache population. Therefore they deserve our attention.

Our little friday treat.

january 25 :-§) mr.orange

january 24 :-§) mummy

january 23 :-§) pimp my face: peter griffin