BELOWTHEFANS :-§) friday special post

They appreciate the good things in life.
They drop by this very blog everyday (not!) and with greater thirst on fridays.
They are the reason we never step in the streets without a camera.
They is you!

Therefore this special post is dedicated to the hundreds, even millions of belowthenose lovers all around this great mustachian world, who, from time to time, also stop to register the local beauties of their neighborhood.

’Cause the mustache is everywhere: New York, Toquio, Milan, Berlin, Santana da Parnaíba and, of course, here at your deared Official Mustache Database.

Big ps:
above you can check 5 of the randomly selected pics for the first BELOWTHEFANS special. If you’ve got a camera and a mustachian friend/familymember/barber/boss/plumber/girlfriend don’t hesitate to write to with your contribution.